Калькулятор расчета для кровли: Расчет кровли. Онлайн калькулятор для расчета кровли крыши, программа расчета количества и стоимости металлочерепицы на кровлю – GrandLine
alexxlab | 01.01.2018 | 0 | Разное
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Информация по назначению калькулятора
Онлайн калькулятор двускатной (двухскатной) крыши предназначен для расчета угла наклона стропил, количества обрешетки, нагрузки на кровлю, а так же количества необходимого материала для возведения данного типа кровли. В расчете учтены все популярные кровельные материалы, такие как керамическая, цементно-песчанная, битумная и металлическая черепица, ондулин, шифер и др.
Все расчеты выполняются в соответствии с ТКП 45-5.05-146-2009 и СНиП «Нагрузки и воздействия».
Двускатная (двухскатная, щипцовая) – разновидность форм крыш с двумя наклонными скатами от конька до наружных стен. Данная форма является самой распространенной и самой практичной с точки зрения стоимости, эффективности и внешнего вида. Опирание стропил происходит друг на друга, а их пары соединяются обрешеткой. Стены с торцевой стороны такой крыши, имеют треугольную форму, и называются фронтонами (щипцами). Чаще всего под данным видом кровли устраивается чердачное помещение, освещаемое с помощью небольших фронтонных окон.
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Общие сведения по результатам расчетов
- Угол наклона крыши – Угол наклона каждого ската. Программа так же подскажет подходит ли данный угол для выбранного кровельного материала. Что бы увеличить или уменьшить, измените параметры ширины основания или высоты подъема.
- Площадь поверхности крыши – Общая площадь всей поверхности кровли, с учетом длины свеса.
- Примерный вес кровельного материала – Вес выбранного кровельного материала на всю площадь крыши.
- Количество рубероида – Количество подкровельного материала в рулонах шириной 1 метр и длиной по 15 метров, с учетом нахлеста.
- Длина стропил – Длина каждого стропила от конька до основания ската
- Минимальное сечение стропил – Сечение стропил с учетом выбранных параметров и нагрузок. По умолчанию указаны нагрузки для московского региона.
- Количество стропил – Общее количество стропил при заданном шаге на всю стропильную систему.
- Количество рядов обрешетки – Общее количество рядов обрешетки по заданным размерам на всю кровлю
- Равномерное расстояние между досками обрешетки – Рекомендуемое расстояние между досками обрешеток, для использования материала без подрезки.
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90000 Roofing Calculator 90001 90002 The following tools estimate the area of a roof, as well as the amount of materials necessary to construct a roof of a given area. The “House Base Area” is the area of land that the house covers, and for more complex shapes, can be estimated using the Area Calculator. 90003 90004 90005 Roofing Area Calculator 90006 90007 90008 90009 90010 90011 90012 90013 90014 90015 90005 Roofing Material Calculator 90006 90002 90019 90003 90002 The calculated area is only an estimation.In cases where a roof has a complex shape, such as in the image to the right, measuring the dimensions and areas of each part of the roof to calculate total area will result in a more accurate measurement of area. The calculator can not account for complex shapes based on a measurement of square footage alone. The Area Calculator can be used to calculate the area of a variety of simple shapes that together can comprise the area of the roof. Using the aggregate area of these simple shapes can yield a more accurate roof area to be used with the Roofing Material Calculator.90003 90002 The most common roofing materials used in the United States include shingles, membrane roofing, and ceramic tile, all of which have different life spans. Shingle roofs typically have a life span of 15-30 years, while membrane roofs usually last 5-15 years. Although ceramic tile roofs are expensive, they can have a life span of over 100 years. 90003 90025 Roof Pitch 90026 90002 Roof pitch is the measurement of a roof’s vertical rise divided by its horizontal run. It is often compared to slope, but is not exactly the same.In the United States, a run of 12 inches (1 foot) is used, and pitch is measured as the rise of the roof over 12 inches. For instance, a 7/12 roof pitch means that the roof rises 7 inches for every 12 horizontal inches. Outside of the U.S., a degree angle is typically used. 90003 90002 Roof pitch is a determining factor for cost of the roof, as well as the roof area, and the type of materials used. It affects walkability as well as drainage, and roofs in areas of high rain or snowfall tend to have steeper pitches.90003 90002 90032 90003 90002 Roof pitch affects the actual area of the roof. Depending whether the roof area is measured horizontally (possibly from a drawing or photograph), a correction factor is necessary to determine the actual area of the roof. Given pitch and a horizontal area measurement, multiply the horizontal area by a correction factor corresponding to pitch, provided in the table below, to determine the actual area of the roof to be used in the Roofing Material Calculator. While it is possible to estimate the amount of necessary materials using only the total roof area measurement, as can be seen from the table, depending how large the pitch of the roof, the actual area of the roof can differ by up to 2.236 from the measured total area at a pitch of 24/12. As such, while it can be cumbersome, measuring the area and pitch of each part of the roof and multiplying by the corresponding correction factor will result in the most accurate estimate of necessary roofing materials. 90003 90002 90037 Typical Slope Correction Factors: 90038 90003 90040 90008 90042 Pitch 90012 90042 Angle 90012 90042 Multiply By 90012 90042 90012 90042 Pitch 90012 90042 Angle 90012 90042 Multiply By 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 1/12 90038 90012 90042 4.8 ° 90012 90042 1.003 90012 90066 90012 90042 90037 2/12 90038 90012 90042 9.5 ° 90012 90042 1.014 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 3/12 90038 90012 90042 14.0 ° 90012 90042 1.031 90012 90042 90037 4/12 90038 90012 90042 18.4 ° 90012 90042 1.054 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 5/12 90038 90012 90042 22.6 ° 90012 90042 1.083 90012 90042 90037 6/12 90038 90012 90042 26.6 ° 90012 90042 1.118 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 7/12 90038 90012 90042 30.3 ° 90012 90042 1.158 90012 90042 90037 8/12 90038 90012 90042 33.7 ° 90012 90042 1.202 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 9/12 90038 90012 90042 36.9 ° 90012 90042 1.250 90012 90042 90037 10/12 90038 90012 90042 39.8 ° 90012 90042 1.302 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 11/12 90038 90012 90042 42.5 ° 90012 90042 1.357 90012 90042 90037 12/12 90038 90012 90042 45.0 ° 90012 90042 1.414 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 13/12 90038 90012 90042 47.3 ° 90012 90042 1.474 90012 90042 90037 14/12 90038 90012 90042 49.4 ° 90012 90042 1.537 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 15/12 90038 90012 90042 51.3 ° 90012 90042 1.601 90012 90042 90037 16/12 90038 90012 90042 53.1 ° 90012 90042 1.667 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 17/12 90038 90012 90042 54.8 ° 90012 90042 1.734 90012 90042 90037 18/12 90038 90012 90042 56.3 ° 90012 90042 1.803 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 19/12 90038 90012 90042 57.7 ° 90012 90042 1.873 90012 90042 90037 20/12 90038 90012 90042 59.0 ° 90012 90042 1.944 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 21/12 90038 90012 90042 60.3 ° 90012 90042 2.016 90012 90042 90037 22 / 12 90038 90012 90042 61.4 ° 90012 90042 2.088 90012 90013 90057 90042 90037 23/12 90038 90012 90042 62.4 ° 90012 90042 2.162 90012 90042 90037 24/12 90038 90012 90042 63.4 ° 90012 90042 2.236 90012 90013 90014 .90000 Roofing Material Calculator – Estimate Bundles of Shingles and Squares 90001 90002 Calculate the size of your roof and estimate how many bundles of asphalt shingles, rolls of felt, and squares of roofing material are needed for a new roof. Add the price per square of materials to get an estimated material cost. 90003 90004 Roofing Material Estimate: 90005 90002 bundles of 3-tab shingles 90003 90008 90008 90004 How to Estimate the Size of a Roof 90005 90002 If you’re replacing a roof, the first consideration needs to be the size of the roof so accurate material estimates can be made.In the U.S., roofs are measured in square footage, and roofing contractors typically quote projects based on the size of the roof in squares. Consequently, gathering the size of the roof in squares and square footage is the first step. 90003 90014 Get Free Project Estimates 90015 90002 Find Qualified Roofing Professionals in Your Area 90003 90018 90002 To calculate the size of the roof, you need to measure the size of the roof as if it were flat, account for roof pitch, calculate square footage, and finally determine how many squares of material are required for the roof.The calculator above can handle all of this, simply enter the length, width, and pitch, and it will determine the size of the roof in squares. 90003 90002 Start by measuring the length and width of the roof in feet, as you’re standing on the ground. Remember that the length and width need to be found for the roof, not the house, so take into account that the roof overhangs the building. Then determine the area of the roof as if it were flat. This can be done by multiplying the length in feet by the width in feet to get the area measurement.90003 90023 Finding the Total Roof Area 90024 90002 Once the area of the roof’s footprint is known the overall roof area can be found by accounting for the pitch of the roof. The pitch of the roof is the rise over a 12-inch run. Use our roof pitch calculator to find the pitch of your roof. Next, multiply the footprint of the roof by the multiplier below for your roof pitch to find the overall roof area. 90003 90002 For example, a 4/12 pitch roof that is 100 square feet: 90003 90002 100 × 1.054 = 105.4ft 90030 2 90031 90003 90033 Roof Pitch Area Multipliers 90034 90035 90036 Multipliers for common roof pitches that can be used to find the total area of a roof. 90037 90038 90039 90040 Pitch 90041 90040 Multiplier 90041 90044 90045 90046 90039 90048 0/12 90049 90048 1 90049 90044 90039 90048 1/12 90049 90048 1.003 90049 90044 90039 90048 2/12 90049 90048 1.014 90049 90044 90039 90048 3/12 90049 90048 1.031 90049 90044 90039 90048 4/12 90049 90048 1.054 90049 90044 90039 90048 5/12 90049 90048 1.083 90049 90044 90039 90048 6/12 90049 90048 1.118 90049 90044 90039 90048 7/12 90049 90048 1.158 90049 90044 90039 90048 8/12 90049 90048 1.202 90049 90044 90039 90048 9/12 90049 90048 1.25 90049 90044 90039 90048 10/12 90049 90048 1.302 90049 90044 90039 90048 11/12 90049 90048 1.357 90049 90044 90039 90048 12/12 90049 90048 1.414 90049 90044 90039 90048 13/12 90049 90048 1.474 90049 90044 90039 90048 14/12 90049 90048 1.537 90049 90044 90039 90048 15/12 90049 90048 1.601 90049 90044 90039 90048 16/12 90049 90048 1.667 90049 90044 90039 90048 17/12 90049 90048 1.734 90049 90044 90039 90048 18/12 90049 90048 1.803 90049 90044 90039 90048 19/12 90049 90048 1.873 90049 90044 90039 90048 20/12 90049 90048 1.944 90049 90044 90039 90048 21/12 90049 90048 2.016 90049 90044 90039 90048 22/12 90049 90048 2.088 90049 90044 90039 90048 23/12 90049 90048 2.162 90049 90044 90039 90048 24/12 90049 90048 2.236 90049 90044 90197 90198 SHOW MORE ROOF PITCH OPTIONS 90023 Finding the Size of the Roof in Squares 90024 90002 Roofing contractors estimate projects and materials by the square, so it is crucial to find this measurement to accurately estimate the amount of material needed.A square simply refers to a 10 ‘x 10’ square of roofing. This is simply 100 square feet of roof. To find the squares, divide the overall roof area by 100 and then round up. For instance, if the roof is 1550 square feet, then it is 16 squares. 90003 90004 How to Estimate Roofing Materials 90005 90002 Although roofing projects are estimated and sold by the square, roofing material is often not sold in 1 square increments. 90003 90207 90023 How Many Bundles of Shingles Will You Need 90024 90002 The average bundle of shingles covers 33.3 ft 90030 2 90031, so 90014 three bundles of shingles are needed per square 90015. Asphalt shingles range in price from about $ 25 per bundle for a standard 3-tab style to around $ 50- $ 75 or more for an upgraded architectural style. Since transportation is a major cost factor, expect prices to vary by location. A typical bundle of shingles weighs about 75 pounds, while some premium products can weigh over 100 pounds per bundle, so consider delivery of materials. 90003 90023 How Many Rolls of Felt Will You Need 90024 90002 Roofing felt is sold by the roll.The average roll of 15-pound roofing felt covers about 400 ft 90030 2 90031, or 4 squares, while the average roll of 30-pound roofing felt covers about 200 ft 90030 2 90031, or 2 squares. Rolls of felt are 36 “wide x 144 ‘long for 15 # and 72’ long for 30 #. Consider other underlayment options as needed, such as rubber or tar products. 90003 90023 How Many Nails Will You Need 90024 90002 Nails will also be required for any roofing project. The average 3-tab shingle needs four nails per shingle.High wind areas and other types of shingles may need more. 320 nails will be needed to install a square of standard 3-tab shingles assuming four nails per shingle and 80 shingles per square. 90003 90023 Other Materials 90024 90002 Keep in mind that a drip-edge will be needed to protect the edge of the roof from rot, vents, and other materials such as flashing or caulk. Also, consider that the fascia boards may need to be replaced depending on their condition. Drip-edge and fascia boards are sold by the linear foot, find the perimeter of your roof in feet to find the length of drip-edge and fascia boards needed.90003 90002 In addition to accurately estimating materials, it is important to make sure you order extra material when ordering. Account for about 5-10% overage on your project to make sure you have enough material in the event that measurements are a little off or material is wasted or damaged. This is more critical for materials that are special order or have long lead times. 90003 90002 We recommend getting free roofing estimates to understand material and labor costs and to identify other project complexities that could affect the cost.90003 90004 Other Considerations 90005 90002 There are some other factors to consider when installing a new roof. Learn about the costs of installing a new roof. Many localities require permits and inspections for roofing projects, check with your local inspections office and consult local building codes for more information on the requirements. Also, consider that removing old materials may be a good idea and will require disposing of a large amount of waste. Plan ahead for this by ordering a dumpster for the project.90003 90008 90241 inchcalculator.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. 90242 .90000 Gable roof framing calculator – rafter templates, roofing plans, pitch + 3D 90001 90002 Kalk.pro provide dimensional calculatios only, it does not perform any structural calculations (load-bearing). You are responsible for ensuring that your roof meets all local building codes and laws (international) and that your structural design is ok (your roof construction is capable of resisting all applied loads). 90003 90002 How calculate a gable roof, roof elements dimensions and materials? 90003 90002 90007 Our online gable roof calculator 90008 will calculate a roof truss system: 90003 90010 90011 length of gable roof rafters 90012 90011 number of rafters 90012 90011 sheathing 90012 90011 roofing materials (shingles, roofing membrane, metal tiles, slate) 90012 90019 90002 To get all data from gable roof calculator you need to measure and enter in the appropriate fields following sizes: 90003 90002 The section (thickness x width) and the pitch of the rafters depends on the angle of the roof, its type, length stropilnoj feet , maximum short-time withstand major loads, and the type and weight of roofing, and even to some extent the width of the insulation.If you do not know where to get standard parameters of the rafters and sheathing, will help our article “90007 Optimal cross-section, a step of sheathing and rafters depending on the roof type 90008”. 90003 90002 The calculator performs the calculation of the materials to the roof, starting from the entered size of roofing sheet and calculated values of the roof area. Quantity of roofing materials for the roof, boards and lumber for roof system, we recommend to buy with a small margin, it is always better to take the remains to the hardware store than to pay a bunch of money for shipping is not grabbing a pair of boards.90003 90002 Be careful! The more accurate data you insert, the more reliable results you get with online calculator. 90003 90002 Simplify your calculations and save time, the program will draw 90007 a plan of rafters 90008 90007 a gable roof 90008 and displays the results of the calculation of the gable roof for the entered data in the form of a drawing of a gable roof at different angles, and its interactive 3d model. 90003 90002 On the tab “90007 3 90008 90007 D 90008 90007 – View 90008”, you can better see your future gable roof into a volumetric representation.In our opinion, visualization in construction – really need the ability. 90003 90002 Tab “90007 Save 90008” will help you not to lose designed you design the roof. Send the calculation of the roof a gable roof in the mail, save in one of the selected formats, or bookmark. 90003 90002 If you have a project gable roof with different slopes, you need to calculate using the calculator twice, once for each slope separately. 90003 90002 90003.90000 ROOF SHINGLE CALCULATOR 90001 90002 ENTER PARAMETERS 90003 90004 Roof Pitch: 90005 90004 1/122/123/124/125/126/127/128/129/1210/1211/1212/12 90005 90004 Roof Type: 90005 90004 Gable roofHip Roof 90005 90004 Calculate 90005 90002 RESULT: 90003 90004 Roof area: sq.ft 90005 90004 Numbes of squares: 90005 90004 bundles of 3-tab shingles 90005 90004 Approximate price $ 90005 90004 An important part of any roofing repair or replacement project is being able to accurately calculate the quantity of roofing materials required to finish the job.For example, you will need to figure out the exact number of shingles required to cover the entire roof area. 90005 90004 Once you know this number, you can estimate the final price of the materials. Thus, a key element in your project will be the roofing material calculator, and more specifically, the roof shingle calculator. 90005 90004 Before getting started, you should know a little about how shingles are talked about by professionals in the industry and how they are purchased at a home improvement store.One important point is that it is possible to purchase shingles both by the bundle and by the roofing square. 90005 90004 A square of shingles is the number of shingles needed to cover 100 sq feet of roof area. However, shingles are packaged in a way that they are light enough for the average person to carry around. As a rule of thumb, there are 3 bundles to a square, assuming that you are using three-tab strip shingles. There are also 29 standard-sized shingles (measuring 12 inches by 36 inches) in each one of these.90005 90004 With that as background, you are now ready to estimate how many shingles you will purchase for your roof project. This roof shingle calculator requires four basic inputs: 90005 90034 90035 Roof length (measured in feet) 90036 90035 Roof width (measured in feet) 90036 90035 Roof pitch 90036 90035 Roof type (either gable or hip) 90036 90043 90004 Using these four inputs, you will get several basic outputs: 90005 90034 90035 Roof area (measured in sq ft) 90036 90035 Number of squares 90036 90035 Number of bundles 90036 90035 Approximate price (in dollars) 90036 90043 90004 The estimate of a final price will depend, to a large degree, on the overall size of your home (i.e. sq footage). This makes sense, right? The bigger your roof area, the more shingles will be used to cover the footage of this area completely. 90005 90004 In addition, you will need to take into account the materials being used. If you are using standard asphalt shingles, your price will be lower than if you are using more expensive slate, metal or tile shingles. For most residential homes, asphalt shingles are the standard, but there are plenty of reasons to avoid using asphalt shingles as your material, such as if you are concerned about the waterproof coverage of your home.90005 90004 Keep in mind that the roof shingle calculator assumes zero waste. This is rarely the case, however, since not all homes have dimensions that can be perfectly fit with 12-inch x 36-inch shingles. Moreover, during the process of the repair, some shingles and tiles might slide off. As a result, most experts recommend ordering 1 extra bundle of shingles. 90005 90004 The roof shingle calculator is a free estimator that serves a useful purpose during any roof repair or replacement project.Once you enter the basic roof dimensions and enter the type of roof, you will get a very accurate result telling you exactly the amount of shingles that are required to cover your new roof. 90005.